Mellow Kat, you and Jeffrey need to exchange more of what each of you know. That would be very informative for us all. This most certainly was. Thank you from England.
Hello MellowKat and concerned readers. The California Air and Resources Board is just as effective as the Environmental Protection Agency at *protecting* its own malfeasance. Test instrumentation is intentionally limited to micro-molecule analyses, whilst much of weather control is deployed at nano-molecular scale... They "regulate" these deployments (via licencing) rather than completely BANNING their deployment. It's all suit and ties and party lipstick...
Speaking of boards; assigned 'boards' and alleged agencies have been in violation of their own corporate Charters since inception. The plebs stare at their cell phones, and the beat goes on. Geoengineering (weather warfare) programs have been openly discussed within congressional committees for over 65 years. Legislators have repeatedly signed their signatures to funding of these programs, whilst denying that the programs even exist. See: Unilateral Geoengineering
Non-technical Briefing Notes for a Workshop At the Council on Foreign Relations
Hey Mellow Kat, great Interview, I contacted you previously regarding FR24 with a few tips, another great website, if your not already familiar with, Is ADSB exchange, you can track more military flights on there compared to FR24.
Thank you! I’m going to add that to my backup. I had a C130 do a low fly over my house the other day and there was nothing on flight radar. I didn’t think to try it this exchange. I will save this link. Thank you so much.
Your most welcome, I'm not sure how much Info you will see on the site as a general viewer, I also feed my ADSB receiver info to the exchange so I may see more that you do. At the top right of the map you will see 3 little square boxes with the letters U H T, if you click on the U box that will just show military.
Any questions about flight tracking etc, please feel free to ask, I have been feeding and tracking for about 16 yrs.
What gets me the most...... is do they think they're immune to what they're doing? Do they have family? Or are they just so complacent that they can't think for themselves. Great stuff Kat!
I have to ask the million dollar question do the pilots spraying these things think they're not going to inhale this, are they reptiles, are they even human, are they ai robots
Mellow Kat, you're the best!! I'm so glad you were on Jeffrey Prather's program.
I love him! First time connecting.
Great guy.
Mellow Kat, you and Jeffrey need to exchange more of what each of you know. That would be very informative for us all. This most certainly was. Thank you from England.
I just got off the phone with one of his team America leaders.
I’m going going going! :-)
Hello MellowKat and concerned readers. The California Air and Resources Board is just as effective as the Environmental Protection Agency at *protecting* its own malfeasance. Test instrumentation is intentionally limited to micro-molecule analyses, whilst much of weather control is deployed at nano-molecular scale... They "regulate" these deployments (via licencing) rather than completely BANNING their deployment. It's all suit and ties and party lipstick...
Speaking of boards; assigned 'boards' and alleged agencies have been in violation of their own corporate Charters since inception. The plebs stare at their cell phones, and the beat goes on. Geoengineering (weather warfare) programs have been openly discussed within congressional committees for over 65 years. Legislators have repeatedly signed their signatures to funding of these programs, whilst denying that the programs even exist. See: Unilateral Geoengineering
Non-technical Briefing Notes for a Workshop At the Council on Foreign Relations
Washington DC, May 05, 2008 >>>
Ain't it wonderful?
That’s why we need to make the pilots pariahs of society. We have to start showing up and making them very uncomfortable.
Hey Mellow Kat, great Interview, I contacted you previously regarding FR24 with a few tips, another great website, if your not already familiar with, Is ADSB exchange, you can track more military flights on there compared to FR24.
Thank you! I’m going to add that to my backup. I had a C130 do a low fly over my house the other day and there was nothing on flight radar. I didn’t think to try it this exchange. I will save this link. Thank you so much.
Your most welcome, I'm not sure how much Info you will see on the site as a general viewer, I also feed my ADSB receiver info to the exchange so I may see more that you do. At the top right of the map you will see 3 little square boxes with the letters U H T, if you click on the U box that will just show military.
Any questions about flight tracking etc, please feel free to ask, I have been feeding and tracking for about 16 yrs.
Keep up the great work :)
Cheers from Vancouver, Canada.
Awesome conversation Kat!
Notice how the military and intelligence agencies have nearly infiltrated Congressional positions?
What gets me the most...... is do they think they're immune to what they're doing? Do they have family? Or are they just so complacent that they can't think for themselves. Great stuff Kat!
I have to ask the million dollar question do the pilots spraying these things think they're not going to inhale this, are they reptiles, are they even human, are they ai robots