Part 1: Cloud seeding & a train derailment.
Sierra Northern Rail goes off the tracks. Blames it on wetter-than-normal winters.
Can modifying the weather cause damage to you or your property? Let’s take a look at my investigation into one situation that happened this year in my neck of the woods.
I had been tracking the Upper Tuolumne River Weather Modification partnership between WMI (Weather Modification International) and TID (Turlock & Modesto Irrigation District for nearly one year.
Then, on January 19th, 2024 a train belonging to Sierra Northern Railway derailed in downtown Sonora. Of course, I suspected that cloud-seeding had played a role, as the derailment was blamed on two wetter-than-normal winters.
Because I had already been tracking Weather Modification International (WMI) seeding our skies, I took had already taken notes on flight patterns with days and time.
I also have receipts, after getting records from two PRA (public records act) requests and a third PRA request done by Save Our Skies (SOS).
Remember: the DERAILMENT happened on January 19th, 2024.
Here are the days that WMI’s aircraft (N522JP) flew in January 2024 per my old screenshot of search:
On January 6th and again on January 13th, I commented on N522JP’s activity on my California Chemtrails Channel. :D
I had found the link between N522JP (the flight I was tracking) with the WMI name “Snow #4.” Here is my first PRA request with N522JP on WMI’s billing document.
Recently, SOS (Save our Skies) Reinette Senum offered to help get more records on their 2024 activity. From the documents, I’d like to share what felt most pertinent when it comes to the month of January, the same month of the derailment.
Here is the month of January 2024, alone:
Take note of the 728 flares (20g AGI Ejectable flares) and 100 AGI Burn-in-place flares. The cost for one month? $114,433.54.
One question I have is: Who is paying for this?!
I suspect it’s another special homeowners tax, but I’m not sure!
When researching flares, I shared my findings with SOS and here are some concerns we have for everyone;
Here are some of the flight logs from the PRA request for January. Note…
These flight logs are leading up to the train derailment. We did NOT include November/December flights (though they were seeding those months as well!)
Please note the flares and flight times:
It appears to me, that the Upper Tuolumne River Weather Modification Project might have exacerbated the wet conditions that led to this derailment.
Now…not to complicate anything but along my journey, I decided to reserach teh Sierra Northern Railroad (SERA).
In late January, I did a FOIA for the Federal Railroad Administration, asking to see incident reports.
In a nutshell, they gave me crap documents (it was nothing to do with the derailment). For the record: they failed my FOIA, miserably.
So….I submitted ANOTHER FOIA. They rejected my second attempt:
I attempted to do a third FOIA, but I’ve been BLOCKED…twice! :D Hahahaha
So, I have recently (October 2024) asked Reinette to submit a FOIA via SOS to see if she can get her hands on the records.
For the record, HERE WAS MY LAST FOIA that was DENIED!
For those who are wondering why I asked about CRISI grant expenditures, that will be for a Part 2. :)
These substacks (for me) can get rather lengthy.
Thank you for hanging in there! If you enjoy my Substack, please share with your friends and on social media! My main efforts have been shared on Bitchute, but I thought it was time to put some of it down in readable format.
Lastly, a treat:
For those who have doubted cloud-seeding is “real,” here is a highlight from CNBC on the very players (WMI and TID) that have been seeding over Tuolumne County for over 30 years.
Stay tuned for the Federal Railroad Authority (FRA) FOIA in Part 2! :)
Love, MK