Oh, my. Ohhhhh my oh my oh my….
Sigh. These poor people don’t realize how ridiculous they sound. I chuckle…because it’s truly bewildering and absurd to witness. Do these people have amnesia? Or are they unaware of their complicity in the very actions/behaviors they claim to abhor?
Before last night’s “red sweep,” I asked people WHY they were voting for Kamala.
Their response was usually that they thought Trump was a “threat to our Democracy.” :)
The second #1 fear was that they were worried they would lose access to people HAVING AN ABORTION.
I’m puzzled. Does the perceived loss of future access to abortion “trump” the ACTUAL loss of life, livelihoods, and access to society that we witnessed for the past 4 years? Remember the former head of the HHS Kathleen Sebelius talking about cutting us off for refusal to accept an EXPERIMENTAL, LIABILITY-FREE BIOWEAPON?
Where were these “my body my choice” advocates when MILLIONS were forced to take a liability-free, experimental bioweapon to continue to participate in society or their career?
Here are my recorded frustrations from 2021 titled, “Where are the Democrats?”:
And, “Prayer is not enough:”
My gosh, the list goes on when you go back through my 570+ videos from 2020 and on.
Where were these hypocrites when children were suffocated, distanced, shot with temperature guns, and hidden behind plexiglass when interacting with their peers?
Where were these advocates for autonomy when those who were injured by the experimental/liability-free jabs were censored and shut down when trying to share their injuries with their peers??
I will never forget how I was treated by these “we’re in this together,” FAKE SOCIAL-JUSTICE WARRIORS.
Folks, the masses have spoken. If you want to know why we had a RED SWEEP, may this give you a tiny indication. Here are some of my experiences for the past few years. After initially wearing a muzzle, I finally stopped. I was battling a nasty bacterial infection on my face and was utterly depressed and miserable. I will never forget a little girl asking me, “What’s wrong with your face?”
I spent some time, examining the studies on mask-effectiveness and influenza. I put together a handout summarizing 30 studies that showed just how harmful and detrimental masking was.
Eventually, the idea of putting something over my face made me hyperventilate with rage. I was truly going to break something if I was forced to participate in this nonsensical, effed-up ritual. So…I stopped wearing the face-diaper.
As my face healed and I began shopping without a muzzle, I was very gentle and patient with frantic store employees; I attempted to explain my rights and my reasons for wanting to shop (while healthy). I had a legitimate doctor’s note. I would keep my distance. I just wanted to select my own food and get OUT.
I was met with harsh, cold, abusive treatment. It was enough to make me start documenting.
Here’s manager Jeb Binsted from New Leaf in Aptos, CA: Jeb Binsted. https://www.facebook.com/jeb.binsted:
Peets called the police to escort me out.
Seascape foods (Julie) closed her doors on me and locked me out.
Andy (Whole Foods on 41st) chased me around the store with a temperature gun, asking me private questions to see if I would be allowed to shop. A few more videos:
Chromatic Coffee
Ace Hardware
A face-off with the Chapter head of the Satanic Temple in Santa Cruz, Lana Navalia (she was working as manager at Aptos Natural Foods). She had previously discriminated against a friend who had throat cancer and didn’t wear a mask, so I went in to test it out for myself. She went out of her way to be nasty.
The list goes on.
I am still grateful for the few employees that would LOOK THE OTHER WAY while I shopped briskly with my head down. Thank you. You made Hell feel a little bit better.
Here are more memories of the behavior of people who sang, “We’re in this together,” and “We’re doing this for the greater good!” They proclaimed they didn’t wear their mask for THEIR health, but for ME.
I have memories of talking to Sheriff deputies outside of a store that had just kicked me out…in front of a sign like THIS:
Ahh. The tears. The sad, desperate tears of liberals losing their minds.
These are the same people crying today, because the normalization of hormone therapy and genital mutilation for children feels threatened, and they fear that they may not have immediate access to abortions (um…you’ll always find a way).
These sore, bleeding hearts sure didn’t give a flying F*** about the bodily autonomy of those who refused to muzzle or take an experimental, LIABILITY-FREE BIOWEAPON.
Here’s Stephanie V. from Whole Foods on 41st in Santa Cruz:
A mask-Nazi at the door while entering to shop at Target:
I even tried ordering food TO GO, OUTSIDE. Many times. :)
Verve Coffee Santa Cruz:
Take out Italian with a ‘tude.
And I tried sitting alone in a park while waiting to rent a boat for a small family outing…didn’t matter. Mask harassment in Lake Tahoe.
Remember the threats of fines?
Ah. You should see what my friend and fellow warrior Theresa Buccola endured after being arrested for walking on the beach during LOCKDOWN! Here is her YouTube Channel.
NEVER FORGET what the PUPPET DEMOCRATS put us through!
Here is some more (oh god, I could make 1,000s of pages with memories and photos so you NEVER FORGET. Here is a precious video from February 15, 2022. The masks were STILL required at a Board of Supervisors Meeting. They shut down the meeting because children and adults came to protest the mandate.
More memories:
Masked people walking outside, but people sitting outside were mask-free while they ate? Next to the “$100 fine for not wearing a mask” signs??
The abuse of the smug, self-righteous “I am more virtuous than you” individuals dominated our everyday environment.
Last night, I watched America vote AWAY from the LEFT. I walked away in 2020 from the Progressive Liberals. My family walked away. Many friends have WALKED AWAY and VOTED AGAINST the party they used to identify with.
Rightfully so. It appears that the masses have hit their limit with the DEM’s hypocrisy.
From your select-censorship, your discrimination, your arrogance, your fake DEI-J posturing, and your “my body my choice” double standards.
I’m finally looking forward to the next few years. My god. Maybe we have a chance to MASA.
For fun:
Some random videos that helped me process the insanity.
Music video with video clips of that time: Land of Confusion
All She Wrote
Here, I was inspired by a situation where a Costco delivery required a personal health screening before delivering a BBQ. Of course, I exaggerate…but I had to make fun of the insanity!! I play “Sarah” the Costco delivery person, and myself. :D
Puppet Play
**These videos take time. I do both voices and this requires separate recordings and overlapping audio on iMovie). I sure had a great time doing these. :) They made me laugh, and laughter is medicine!
Hug your Grandma
12 days of Covid (Christmas)
N.W.O. Cafe
Greatest IQ test for humanity we have ever seen..
Good job documenting all that!